Monday, December 29, 2008

Busiest Month of 2008

December month of year 2008 is the busiest month of the year. My year end has always ended with mild and relaxing work schedule but this year is an exception. Due to added job responsibilities and new plans in the company, none of us were spared from being tied down with work to rush out for delivery and meetings/ conference call meeting. It was the first time in the history of my working life that I have to attend to so many meetings in a day, and have at least one meeting almost every single day. Although some meetings is schedule for 1 hour, sometimes it takes longer than that.... I begining to resent meeting now because it usually piles up my work and discrupt other important things which I have to attend to also immediately. It looks like I will still have to deal with this hectic schedule for the first quarter of 2009.

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