Oh, I am sooo..... glad last week is over. It was a really busy and unwelcome week at work. I did not have time to blog for the past 1 week due to having to work late. The Australian boss a.ka. my direct contact client who supplies me and my team of programmers with projects, came over to our Malaysian office for a 4 days long visit from 2nd - 5th of September. Oh did I mention his a guy? Well, speaking about having an Aussie guy comming over to our office, it made the rest of the girl colleagues go a little crazy. From two weeks before he was schedule to be arriving, my girl colleagues kept on asking me "is he a hansome good looking guy?". I honestly don't know how he looks like because I have never met him before, that's my answer to them. But I can tell, judging from his voice I know he is a young man.
Unlike my other colleagues who had nothing to do with him, they seem pretty excited having know his comming, I am feeling less excited about that because it means I have to work like a cow to plough through my work in organizing things, agenda and preparing my team for his arrival. He did sent through his little agenda on what he want to do/see during his 4 days visit here and I've got only 1 week to prepare them. So, there goes all my free time preparing PowerPoint presentations slides during the Merdeka Day holidays. He wanted to know every little details and every processes we do especially how our QA processes is being done. I feel like his main motive here was to audit our work.
I have been the only one in my office who has constant teleconference meeting and email correspondence with him all this while. Judging from his demeanor over the phone and through emails, he does sound a bit judgemental and kind of stingy in the way he wants everything we send across to be strict to perfection. So, I honestly do not welcome his visit very much but on the first day when I met him, I said "Welcome!". Haha... what a hypocrite I am. Well, I certaintly should not be showing a sour face do I?
Okay, after reading all the boring stuff above you probably wonders at this point, how does he looks like? Well, those who likes Caucasian guys will be dissapointed because he looks very Asian besides his thick Australian English accent. His parents are actually Vietnamese refuge. Apparently there was a war in Vietnam back then and they we given a choices to choose the country they want to live in. So, that is how he and his family came to Australia and became Australian citizen since then. He has been living in Australia since he was 3 years old. He is now in his early 30s. Yep, he's a young man with military like hair cut and he looks kind of good looking - average kind of good looking I mean. He has a Chinese like complexion, people here can easily mistaken him as Malaysian Chinese. He's also single, young and kind of loaded with cash, loves ski-ing and travelling.
Okay, I think I'll stop here before anyone thinks I'm checking him out or promoting him to others single desperate woman. Well, it's just something we chat about during lunch time on all those 4 days while he was here. Oh actually, him comming over here for a visit is not all bad. The best thing is, I got the eat FREE LUNCH everyday! Having steak for lunch on one of those days was the best! Lunch bills are all on the company.