Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Health Tips

I got this nice going tag from Lemonjude. It’s good to be reminded of the importance of living a healthy fruitful life. Lets us all share some tips we know about achieving a healthy body, mind and soul.

Copy the whole thing, skim the list and put a * star beside those that you like. (Check out especially the * starred ones.) Share one of your own health tip (tip on how to be more healthy) with others. Try to make your tip short but informative. Tag at least 2 person.

1. Be happy - Everyday health and beauty
2. Be contented with what God Bless us - chanelwong
3. Be faithful - Ruth
4. Laugh a lot - Chinnee
5. Take time out for rest and relaxation - Kiasumum
6. Always think positive - MummyInVain
7. Sleep early and drink more water - Lemonjude
8. Go to the dentist every six month - Amidrin

Let's share one of your health tips Sting and Michelle

1 comment:

sting said...

okie .. got it :-) hmm, dentist every 6 months? arghhhh!! hehe..