Thursday, October 11, 2007

$$$ Claimed received at last

Today I finally received the money for company insurance claimed on my hospitalization bill over 3 months ago. Although not a lot, but really good that I "earn" from it because the insurance company pay me additional allowance for 2 days stay at the government hospital.

Recently, many things happen that don't know why my money just gone like that. Have been living in a tight budget for quite some time now..... I wish this thing will end abruptly. In just another 2 months plus, year 2007 would pass away and come another new year to begin with. I hope God will give me his blessings and end my long over due predicament that I myself wish to rescue from it countless times.

Sigh... these few days I have no mood to blog. It's hard to grab on any pay post opportunities although I've been hardworking checking on those few websites for the past few days. Sometimes I missed just because the opportunities were released somewhat in the middle of the night or in the wee hours in the morning here. I don't ask for much, just give me do one post of $5 or $6 per day would be enough to keep me happy. I think there might be also because there are not many advertisers who are willing to give offer to low Google PR blog and this makes the opportunities to bloggers like me has fewer opportunities. Well, I've been trying hard to get my PR up but Google has still yet to update my rank as the same as many others who has complained about this. The latest bad new I heard is that Google do not intent to give any PR to new free blog site like Blogger. I do not know whether my blog is consider new or old, depending on when they actually decided to implement this. If this is true, then it will be even more unfair to many bloggers who does not have money and rely on free blog site to earn some decent money.

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